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Welcome to the Journal of Dental Artificial Intelligence (JDAI)


About JDAI

The Journal of Dental Artificial Intelligence stands as a leading academic publication dedicated to advancing Dental education, Technology, and Artificial Intelligence. Our mission is to prioritize scholarly education through the dissemination of peer-reviewed articles, comprehensive editorials, and pioneering research. We aim to tackle the most critical challenges and explore the vast opportunities within the dental AI discipline, fostering an environment of intellectual rigor and innovation.

What We Offer

Educational Content

Stay updated with the latest advancements and best practices in Dental Artificial Intelligence  through comprehensive articles and tutorials.

Innovative Research

Discover pioneering studies and technological innovations that are shaping the future of Dental Care.

Ethical Insights

Explore discussions on the ethical implications of AI in dentistry, ensuring responsible and sustainable practices.

Community Engagement

Join a vibrant community of professionals, researchers, and enthusiasts who are passionate about Dental Artificial Intelligence.

Join Us on This Journey

We believe that the integration of AI in dentistry has the potential to revolutionize patient care, enhance diagnostic accuracy, and streamline clinical workflows. We are committed to supporting this transformation through the dissemination of high-quality knowledge and fostering collaboration across the Global Dental community. 


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Together, let’s pave the way for a smarter, more efficient, and ethical future in Dentistry.


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